
Showing posts from September, 2016

Mo faye atife mi fun/My life, my love I give to Thee

Words: Ralph E. Hudson (1843-1901) Mo f'aye at'ife mi fun Od'aguntan to ku fun mi; Je ki n le je olotito, Jesu Olorun mi. N o wa f'Eni t'O ku fun mi, Aye mi yo si dun pupo; N o wa f'Eni to ku fun mi, Jesu Olorun mi. Mo gbagbo pe Iwo n gbani 'Tori 'Wo ku k'emi le la; Emi yo si gbekele O, Jesu Olorun mi. Iwo t'O ku ni Kalfari, Lati so mi dominira; Mo yara mi soto fun O, Jesu Olorun mi. My life, my love I give to Thee, Thou Lamb of God who died for me; O may I ever faithful be, My Savior and my God! I’ll live for Him who died for me, How happy then my life shall be! I’ll live for Him who died for me, My Savior and my God! I now believe Thou dost receive, For Thou hast died that I might live; And now henceforth I trust in Thee, My Savior and my God! O Thou who died on Calvary, To save my soul and make me free, I’ll consecrate my life to Thee, My Savior and my God!

Elese E Yipada

Words: Charles Wesley Elese e yi pada, Ee se ti e o fi ku? Eleda nyin ni n bere; T' O fe ki e ba On gbe: Oran nla ni O nbi nyin, Ise owo Re ni nyin, A! enyin alailope, Ee se t'e o ko, 'fe Re. Elese e yi pada, Ee se ti e o fi ku? Olugbala ni n bere, Enit' o gb' emi nyin la; Iku Re y'o j' asan bi? E o tun kan mo 'gi bi? Eni 'rapada, ee se Ti e o gan ore Re? Elese e yi pada Ee se ti e o fi ku? Emi Mimo ni n bere Ti nf' ojo gbogbo ro nyin E ki o ha gb' ore Re? E o ko iye sibe? A ti nwa yin pe, ee se T' e n bi Olorun ninu? Iyemeji ha nse nyin Pe ife ni Olorun, E ki o ha gb' oro Re? K'e gba ileri Re gbo? W' Oluwa nyin l' odo nyin, Jesu n sun: w' omije Re Eje Re pelu n ke pe, "Ee se ti e o fi ku?" Source: Yoruba Baptist Hymnal #175 Sinners, turn: why will you die? God, your maker, asks you why. God, who did your being give, Gave ...

Wa S'adura Ooro

Author: James Montgomery Wa s'adura ooro, Kunle k'a gbadura; Adura ni opa Kristiani, Lati b'Olorun rin. Losan, wole labe, Apat' ayeraye; Itura ojiji Re dun, Nigba t'orun ba mu. Jẹ ki gbogbo ile, Wa gbadura l'ale; Ki ile wa di t'Olorun, Ati 'bode orun.   Nigbat' od'oganjo, Je k'a wi l'emi, pe, Mo sun, sugbon okan mi ji Lati ba O sona. Come to the morning prayer, Come let us kneel and pray; Prayer is the Christian pilgrim's staff To walk with God all day. At noon, beneath the Rock Of Ages, rest and pray; Sweet is that shadow from the heat, When the sun smites by day. At eve, shut to the door, Round the home-altar pray, And finding there "the House of God," At "heaven's gate" close the day. When midnight seals our eyes, Let each in spirit say, "I sleep, but my heart waketh, Lord, With Thee to watch and pray."

Baba Mi Gbo Temi/Holy Father, Hear Me

Words: Edward Henry Bickersteth, 1881 Baba mi gbo temi 'Wo ni Alabo mi, Ma sunmo mi titi; Oninure julo! Jesu Oluwa mi, Iye at'ogo mi, K'igba naa yara de, Ti n o de odo Re. Olutunu julo, 'Wo ti n gbe inu mi, 'Wo to mo aini mi, Fa mi, k'o si gba mi. Mimo, mimo, mimo, Ma fi mi sile lai, Se mi n'ibugbe Re, Tire nikan lailai. Holy Father, hear me; thou art my defender, be thou ever near me, loving, true and tender. Jesus, blessèd Savior, Lord of life and glory, grant me now thy favour as I kneel before thee. Comforter benignest, who abiding in me all my need divinest, move me, draw me, win me. Holy, holy, holy, come, and leave me never, thine abode most lowly, only thine for ever.

Pelu Iwa Mimo/ Take Time To Be Holy

William D. Longstaff Pelu iwa mimo, b' Oluwa s' oro Gbe 'nu Re n' gbagbogbo je onje iye, B' onigbagbo s' ore, Ran ailera lowo; Ma gbagbe nigbakan, wa ibukun Re. Pelu iwa mimo, Aiye nkoja lo, Gbadura ni koko, si Jesu nikan B' iwo ba now Jesu, wo yio dabi Re, Awon ore yio ri Jesu n'nu 'wa re. Pelu iwa mimo, je k' On ma to o; Ohun t' o wu ko de, ma foya rara; Banuje tab' ayo, tele Jesu re, Ma wo Olugbala, gbeke l' oro Re. Pelu iwa mimo, f' okan re bale, F' On s 'alakoso iwa on ise re; Emi Re yio to o, s' orisun ife, Yio si mu o ye, ibugbe orun. Source: YBH #404 Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in Him always, and feed on His Word. Make friends of God’s children, help those who are weak, Forgetting in nothing His blessing to seek. Take time to be holy, the world rushes on; Spend much time in secret, with Jesus alone. By looking to Jesus, like Him thou shalt be...

Gbogbo Aye, Gbe Jesu Ga

Author: Edward Perronet Gbogbo aye, gbe Jesu ga, Angeli', e wole fun: E mu ade Oba Re wa, Se l'Oba awon oba. E se l'Oba, eyin Martir' Ti n kepe n' ite Re; Gbe gbongbo-igi Jesse ga, Se l' Oba awon oba. Enyin iru-omo Israel', Ti a ti rapada; E ki Enit' o gba nyin la. Se l' Oba awon oba. Gbogbo enia elese, Ranti 'banuje nyin; E te 'kogun nyin s' ese Re, Se l' Oba awon oba. Ki gbogbo orile-ede, Ni gbogbo agbaiye; Ki nwon ki "Kabiyesi," Se l' Oba awon oba. A ba le pel' awon t' orun, Lati ma juba Re; K' a ba le jo jumo korin, Se l' Oba awon oba. Source: Yoruba Baptist Hymnal #136 All hail the power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all.  Crown him, ye martyrs of your God,  who from his altar call;  Extol the Stem of Jesse's Rod,  and crown him Lord of all.  Ye chosen seed of Israel's ...

Ona Ara L'Olorun Wa/God Moves in a Mysterious Way

Words: Will­iam Cow­per Ona ara l' Olorun wa Ngba sise Re l' aiye; A nri 'pase Re lor' okun, O ngun igbi l' esin. Ona Re enikan ko mo, Awamaridi ni; O pa ise ijinle mo, O sin se bi Oba. Ma beru mo, enyin mimo, Orun t' o su be ni, O kun fun anu: y'o  rojo Ibukun sori nyin. Mase da Oluwa l' ejo, Sugbon gbeke re le; 'Gbat o ro pe O binu, Inu Re dun si . Ise Re fere ye wan a, Y'o ma tan siwaju; Bi o tile koro loni, O mbo wa dun lola. Afoju ni alaigbagbo, Ko mo 'se Olorun; Olorun ni Olutumo, Y'o m' ona Re ye ni. God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform; He plants His footsteps in the sea And rides upon the storm. Deep in unfathomable mines Of never failing skill He treasures up His bright designs And works His sovereign will. Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy and shall break In blessings on you...

Gbo 'Gbe Ayo/Hark the Glad Sound

Philip Doddridge, 1702-1751 Gbo 'gbe ayo! Oluwa de, Jesu t' a seleri; Ki gbogbo okan mura de, K' ohun mura ko ' rin O de lati t' onde sile, L' oko eru Esu; 'Lekun 'de fo niwaju Re, Sekeseke 'rin da. O delarin 'baje aiye Lati tan 'mole Re, Lati fun awon afoju N' iriran f' oju  won. O de! 'Tinu f' okan 'rora, Iwosan f' agbogbe; O de pel' opo 'sura Re Fun awon talaka. Hosanna wa, Oba 'lafia Ao kede bibo Re; Gbogbo orun y'o ma korin Oruko t' a feran. Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes, The Savior promised long; Let every heart prepare a throne And every voice a song. He comes the prisoners to release, In Satan's bondage held. The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield.   He comes from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray And on the eyeballs of the blind To pour celestial day.   He c...