Olugbala Gbohun Mi
Words: Fanny Crosby Olugbala gbohun mi Gbohun mi, gbohun mi Mo wa sodo Re gba mi Nibi agbelebu Emi se, sugbon O ku Iwo ku, Iwo ku Fi anu Re pa mi mo Nibi agbelebu Oluwa jo gba mi Nk'y'o bi O n'inu mo Alabukun gba mi Nibi agbelebu Bi n o ba tile segbe N o bebe, n o bebe Iwo ni Ona, iye Nibi agbelebu Ore ofe Re ta gba Lofe ni, lofe ni Foju anu Re wo mi Nibi agbelebu Feje mimo Re we mi Fi we mi, fi we mi Ri mi sinu ibu Re Nibi agbelebu Gbagbo lo le fun wa ni Dariji, dariji Mo figbagbo ro mo O Nibi agbelebu Loving Saviour, hear my cry, Hear my cry, hear my cry; Trembling to Thine arms I fly: O save me at the Cross! I have sinn'd, but Thou hast died, Thou hast died, Thou hast died; In Thy mercy let me hide: O save me at the Cross! Lord Jesus, receive me, No more would I grieve Thee, Now, blessed Redeemer, O save me at the Cross! Tho' I perish I will pray, I will pray, I will pray; Thou of life the Living Way: O...