A Fiyin Aiku Fun

Writer: Isaac Watts

A f' iyin aiku fun
'Fe Olorun Baba,
Fun itunu t' aiye,
At' ireti t' orun:
O ran 'Mo Re aiyeraiye
Lati ku fun ese t' a da.

T' Olorun Omo ni
Ogo lailai pelu,
T' o f' eje Re ra wa
N'nu egbe ainipekun :
O ye, O joba nisiyi,
O si nri eso iya Re.

Wole fun oruko,
Olorun emi lai,
Enit' agbara Re
So elese d' aye:
On l' o par' ise 'gbala wa,
L' o si f' ayo orun k' okan.

'Wo Olodumare,
L' ola ye titi lai,
Eni Metalokan,
T' O tobi, t' O l' ogo:
Nibiti ipa ero pin,
'Gbagbo bori, ife sin yin.

Source: Baptist Hymnal #158

We give immortal praise
To God the Father’s love,
For all our comforts here,
And better hopes above;
He sent His own eternal Son,
To die for sins that man had done.
To God the Son belongs
Immortal glory too,
Who bought us with His blood
From everlasting woe:
And now He lives, and now He reigns,
And sees the fruit of all His pains.
To God the Spirit’s name
Immortal worship give,
Whose new-creating power
Makes the dead sinner live;
His work completes the great design,
And fills the soul with joy divine.
Almighty God, to Thee
Be endless honors done,
The undivided Three,
And the mysterious One:
Where reason fails, with all her powers,
There faith prevails, and love adores.

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