Ọkan Arẹ, Ile kan n bẹ / O Weary Heart

 Author: William Henry Bellamy

1. Ọkan arẹ, ile kan n bẹ
Jina rere s' aye ise;
Ile t' ayida ko le de,
Tani fe lo simi nibe?


Duro.... roju duro, mase kun!:
Duro, duro, sa roju, duro mase kun.

2. Bi wahala bo o mo 'le
B' ipin re l' aiye ba buru,
W' oke s' ile ibukun na,
Sa roju duro, mase kun!

3. Bi egun ba wa l' ona re,
Ranti ori t' a f' egun de;
B' ibanuje bo okan re,
O ti ri be f' Olugbala.

4. Ma sise lo, ma se ro pe
A ko gb' adura edun re;
Ojo isimi mbo kankan,
Sa roju duro, mase kun.

Source: Yoruba Baptist Hymnal #527
1. O weary heart, there is a Home,
Beyond the reach of toil and care;
A Home where changes never come:
Who would not fain be resting there?


Oh wait, meekly wait and murmur not!
Oh wait, meekly wait and murmur not!
Oh wait, Oh wait, Oh wait,
Meekly wait and murmur not!

2. Yet when bow' down beneath the load
By heav'n allow'd, thine earthly lot:
Look up! Thou' It reach that blest abode:
Wait, meekly wait and murmur not!

3. If in your path some throne are found
Oh, think who bore them on His brow;
If grief your sorrowing heart has found,
It reached a holier than thou.

4. Toil on! Nor deem, though sore it be,
One sigh unheard, one prayer forgot;
The day of rest will dawn for thee:
Wait, meekly wait and murmur not!


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